Sunday, July 27, 2008

What a great weekend! Freezing but great. Yesterday was the Figure girls brunch. For those that dont know about it, every month a few of us get together and chat about how we are all going with Food, training, significant others and anything else that comes to mind. Not even sure how it started now but I can tell you these ladies (Tania, Kerry and Magda - are the regulars) are a god sent. They pick you up when your struggling and kick you up the butt when your being lazy LOL.
After brunch headed to our WNBF posing practice. Hayzer (the president - but who i call Coach Cayli) puts on practice each week which is so great for the sport because so many dont know how to pose. I think it is also great to meet up with the other girls who are competing - it builds some comradery(sp?) amoungst us. It was great to see you Jaimee-Lee and congrats again :). I got up and did a few rounds of posing but soon sat down. I guess I felt upset with myself because I am no longer competing. The sentimental part of my brain thinks I should have just kept going and i would be 4 weeks out from comp and the logical side knows that I made the right decision on sitting this year out.
I do love watching the girls go throught their poses. It is great to see the changes in them all each week even if they cant themselves see it. Cant wait to see the show even more so because I have seen the progression. I will be screaming my lunges out at both the WNBF Mildura show and the Adelaide show.
On a completely different topic I have decided that I would like to start introducing Organic food into my diet. Heading to the Central Market this week to pick up some fruit, veg and chooks. Yumm! And you will be all pleased to know that the only tiny blip in the food this weekend was the Birchem musli and Coconut and Apricot toast at brunch.. And I am A OK with that cause I loved every bite!
XX Cheryl


Anonymous said...

If your looking for a good deal on organic and low-spray/chem produce you should check out the Adelaide Showgrounds Farmers Market. They're much cheaper (saved $4/kilo on chook). All produce is seasonal and only local so you won't get asparagus or strawberries this time of year, but lots of citrus, broccoli, spinach and nuts. It's a great atmosphere too.

Magda said...

Yes brunch was great again Cheryl. I also look forward to that monthly treat :-)



RaeC said...

Hi Cheryl *waving* Thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog... your support and well wishes through this time mean a lot.

Now about organic... I cannot say enough good things about it!! I have never felt better since I switched to a mostly organic diet. There are still a couple of things I have that aren't organic, but about 90% of my diet is. Your body will thank you for it!!

Keep up the great work and try not to be too disappointed about not competing. It's hard not to get itchy feet when you see others competing, but to do it in a healthy way and in the right mindset is THE most important thing about competing xxx