Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh blissful Saturday - how I love Saturday. Saturday is the day I am greatful that I have noone that takes up my much loved relaxation time.
Worked till midnight last night and thought I might actually cry I was so tired. In future maybe avoid doing legs the same day as I need to walk around for 6 hours. Anyway finished work and fell into bed. Had to get a good night sleep today for my session with the H man.
We trained back and abs. he was very impressed with my form which is good to know after having trained without a trainer for a while now. The session went greast until the last exercise he asked me to do was crunches.. Ok now confession time. .. I cant do crunches - never have. There is a sticking point that I cant get past. I can do the lower part or the upper part but cant get from the bottom to near the top.. Does that make sense. Anyway - it was very amusing that BodyBuilder Cheryl who is meant to be strong cant do crunches.

So now training is done and I have no plans till 6 tonight when I have to work again.. Dont even need to clean cause it all done. I feel a sex in the city marathon coming on. I hope everyone has a great weekend with the perfect balance of rest, hard work, sleep and laughes.


Jaime-lee said...

YAHHHH I FOUND YOU! Great blog girl! soon il be up too and we can motivate eachtoher, you motivate me to eat less chocolate while pregnant and il motivate you to eat No Chocolate FULL STOP! LOL...thats fair ; ) Sorry we didnt make it back yesterday, we went to eat then Leah wanted to go which I was spewin cause I wanted to see Kerry. I dont think Leah knows what shes in for....she just thought she could get up now and compete with very little dieting, Im trying to get it in her head theres alot more to it than that....I think I scared her yesterday! LOL ...Anyways catch up soon BE GOOD, TRAIN HARD AND DREAM OF YOUR POTENTIAL CAUSE YOU GOT LOTS!!!!! AND REMEMBER...IM WATCHING YOU ; ) Im not available on this blog but il let you know soon when I am.

Cheryl D said...

Hey great to see ya here (and yesterday). Dont scare poor Leah. Did I hear you say she wanted to do sportsmodel?
I hope your pregnancy gets easier for you. It must be very strange having your body doing all these stange things and making you feel lousy but it will be worth it in the end. Im a bit of a fan of babies.. sshh dont tell anyone.

Keep in touch and if you want to grab a coffee give me a call.