Sunday, November 16, 2008

Im back to the land of the living - just. Last week I was getting sick and sure enough Friday came down with a full blown head cold. Right before my exam. This entire weekend feels like a blur and not entirely sure how my exam went. Cant really remember. That cant be good. I know I left early. All I really needed was a Pass so am pretty confident I did enough to get me through. I had plans to study all weekend which was not going to happen.
Had a BBQ dinner with my family and Nanna and Pa last night and a small scoop of icecream (that was my sunday treat). Had a great night with them inspite of the cold. Had a very touching conversation with my baby bro who is 14 and was confiding in me which im just chuffed about. He is just the sweetest boy and Im glad he felt he could come and speak to me. I just hope the advise I gave helped. My parents and brothers went away for Sat night to a birthday party and have all collectively decided they have found my next boyfriend. Its been awhile since they have played match maker so im intrigued to see what they have come up with.
Woke this morning to the miracle of a clear head. Must have been that big sleep and icecream that fixed me. I slept through my morning cardio but will make that up tonight.

Scale has finally dropped again (must have just been the snot LOL). Im feeling more positive with the whole comp process (well today I do. who knows what tomorrow will bring).
It is going to be a very busy week with work (thinking retirement would be the way to go), training (last week before I see H), studying (last exam on Friday), and Birthday celebrations (where I will show full self control - no cake this year).

Work calls to I will catch you all very soon! XX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just take things one meal at a time one day at a time Cheryl. You can worry about everything else when it rolls around. Most importantly, enjoy the ride because before you know it it'll be over and done with. ;o) xxx